Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Darkness slowly creeps.
Rain seeps into the cracks
of the roof
of the old shack.
In the corner,
on the filthy wet floor
I wait for you.
I miss you.


Staring blankly
at the flickering light
from the last piece of coal.
I wanted to get closer
before death stabs me
with a kiss
of the cold, cold night.
My body is numb,
I could not move.
Eyes start to get blurry;
tears crystallize
as they fall
along the icy cheeks
of the snow queen.


There he stood
in the middle
of the busy street
for a thousand years.
People passing by,
ignoring his reality.
He screams from pain,
yet no one notices.
Death is nothing
to being forgotten.
something stronger
has made him stay…


And there he ran,
troubled by his worried mind…
looking around
he saw a crowd of strangers
in masks.
He was alone.
He doubted.
If only he closed his eyes,
he would have felt
the beating
of his trusting heart.
In math,
four is twice two.
But the heart knows
that two
is not twice one…
it is the state
of having a company.