Sunday, October 17, 2010

It Gets Better

Growing in an environment of religious family, learning in an all boys Catholic School, I have perceived that being gay was the wrong way to live.  What I have not seen was the love around me.

I never felt the need to come out.  I have always been the same old me.  Straight people do not need to come out and celebrate their being straight.  I am normal, just like anyone.  Just like anyone, I am different.

Everyone surrounding me tried to straighten me up.  I have admired their efforts now though I may not have understood  that time.  But you can't fix what was not broken.  Maybe they have just not read the manual.  I function differently.  What made me strong were the group of friends I have made.  We stuck together and have been strong for each other.  Highschool was complicated enough to have your sexuality be a burden too.  It did get me at times, maybe far more times than I  imagined.  But still, I am thankful for everyone who made me who I am today. 

With recent news about gay teen suicides, it dawned to me that I was lucky enough to have friends who shared my feelings and loved me for who I am without pretensions. They were crazy enough to jive with my craziness too.  And from that, I found my sanity. 

The opens its door to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth who finds it difficult to get through the harsh path at this time.  For those who feel alone and can't find one who would understand them, you'll be surprised on how many people love you and what the future will hold for you... just live long enough to see it.  It will get better.

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