Tuesday, November 24, 2009


After watching the "Kurt vs Rachel diva off" on the "Wheels" episode of Glee on FOX, "Defying Gravity" has been playing on my mind every chance I find my thoughts travelling freely in the vast unknown.  It has been very evident that I had some lines of the song written as a shoutout on my facebook page.  Funny thing is that not a lot of my friends are familiar with the song that they have asked me what's wrong.  Well, nothing is wrong.  I just posted a portion of the lyrics of a song. 

On my birthday last 2008, I celebrated it with a friend in NY. Gotta love NY.  As a treat for accompanying me on my trip, we planned to watch a broadway show.  I suggested Wicked.  She was not familiar with the musical that time and I wanted to please her so we opted to watch Lion King on its 10th anniversary.  

Never have I heard such intense rough black voices.  The sound of voices during the entrance was raw and pure power.  The story is a classic as we have all seen with the disney picture. 

I can't wait to come to NY again early next year and this time, I'll surely be watching Wicked.  To make my trip worthwhile, I may watch Billy Elliot or Avenue Q too.  Seems like it would be an expensive trip.  I better start saving for it.

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