Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Big Brother 12

Hayden Moss just won $500,000 from the recent conclusion of Big Brother Season 12. This 24 year old college student from Tempe, Arizona got 4 out of the 7 jury votes.

Hayden is a member of the four man alliance called the Bra-Gade. This alliance was created on day two of the competition in the house. The members are Enzo “Meow-Meow”, Lane “The Beast”, Matt “The Brains” and Hayden “The Animal”. This is the only alliance that survived the competition till the end (at least for the three of them after they turned on their fellow member Matt).

Castings of votes were tight. The last member of the Jury, the recently evicted Enzo, got to cast the deciding vote for the winner.

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