Friday, July 9, 2010

Italiana Ristorante

After paying my rent, I saw a new restaurant in downtown Clinton where I live.  Italiana Ristorante.  A beacon of light since I am a pasta lover.   Just perfect.  I am hungry and I haven't been cooking in a while.

In a small town, you cannot avoid the fact that people know each other.  I was welcomed in the restaurant but, I think I was the only one who did not have a small chat with the maitre d’.  Who am I kidding?  He’s just the headwaiter. LOL.  It was also a first for me to eat in a restaurant by myself.

For starters, I asked for the list of reds for drinks.  To my surprise, no alcoholic beverages were sold at the restaurant so, I settled for the ever reliable old fashioned sweet tea of the south.  One of my favorites, Italian wedding soup and lobster ravioli were ordered.  At that time, the headwaiter discussed with me the art of mixing parmesan cheese with ground pepper to olive oil as dip to my bread.  Well, that’s alright.  He may be used to people coming in who do not know what to do.  Though, I still prefer basil and roasted garlic as dip than cheese.

The soup was a little disappointing because it has a lot basil that it already was lump of greens in my soup.  Meatballs were also missed.  Well, anyway, I still have my main course.  So I have let that pass.  Here comes my lobster ravioli.  Disappointingly again, the ravioli was meager with filling.  I barely tasted the lobster.  The sauce was too thin, and the pasta is doughy because it was a tad undercooked.  I was looking around and people who ordered the same stuff as I did were very delighted with what they got.  I bit my tongue for complaints.  I did not want to ruin the happy ambiance of the two month old restaurant.  Maybe I will just give them a heads up when I come back.  Truly, I would like to come back and try their veal. I may be surprised, you know.  In addition to that, I would also like to help my community in little ways I can.

My friends were telling me that I am not Chef Gordon Ramsay to critique the restaurant that is not seeking any Michelin stars.  I guess I was just carried away from watching Hell’s Kitchen.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So, the plan I had yesterday didn't happen until today.  At least one of them.  I got my bike exercise machine for a reasonable price.  It would be better if I benefit from it. 

I went to the store and got it a little late at night so there won't be a lot of people in line at the cashier.  One downfall for that is not a lot of help from the store for manpower.  I carried the thing all the way to my car in a little push cart.  Nevertheless. I don't want to get pissed so I just shrugged that off. 

It took me a little over an hour to assemble it.  Barely had time to try it for a couple of minutes.  To my surprise, it was very quiet.  I mean, really quiet.  I could watch television or chat on the phone while I'm on it.  The break in will be tomorrow.  I am already tired now and need the much required sleep for my body.  Let's see how far I could go on that bike.

Here's to a better health for me!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm at a fork road of petty decision makings although, I am pretty much decided on what I plan to do.  First, due to my uncontrollable, unmanageable, disobedient weight gain, and maximizing the use of my expensive treadmill as a clothes hanger, I have decided to buy a stationary bike that I could use when I chat.  Riding while talking will be better than running while talking.  The latter really makes me out of breath.  I plan to buy it tonight, around midnight, when I have finished cleaning my place and working on my notes.  Knowing me, I may just be able to do one task. 

Secondly, I plan to be friendly with my neighbor.  He has approached me a couple of times already, trying to be friendly.  Let me take that back.  He may really just be friendly.  He had his birthday last July 4th.  Let's see if I could return the favor of being the friendly one.  Might as well just be a bitch, and that will come out naturally.  Darn, I have even forgotten his name.  Beer will be a major help for this task, or at least anything alcoholic.

Finally, I may learn how to say no to an invitation.  Sadly, the invite comes from my relatives in MI.  I know they will be all excited about this upcoming reunion and they are really all hoping that everyone can make it.  What made me stand up to them?  Cyndi Lauper. We have tickets for the blues album tour of Ms. Lauper.  This came in first, to be fair.  I can't resist hearing her classic hits, if she will be playing them.  I have already made plans with friends too.  And we are celebrating CL's birthday that day too.  Plus, my cousin will not be able to make it too.  And I plan to bring my mom and brother and sister to see me this November, so we can have another reunion.  (Granted that my siblings get visas.)  So, given that the excuses keep on piling, it's only easy for me to tip the high hopes of meeting my relatives.  But, I promise to make it up to them. 

No is one letter shorter than Yes. But it seems to be harder to express for me.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


When I came here in US, I bonded with a group of guys whom I have shared house with during the training period before we were off to our different offices.  We had different, extremely different personalities, but have managed to glue quickly.  The five of us have shared a lot of our firsts in this country.  It was an effort on my part to blend with them while trying to gauge their reaction to my lifestyle.

Among them all, I got along better with AD.  I may sound conceited, but I think I had the most influence as to his style in clothing, choice in food, and lifestyle.  I have seen him grow from his rural roots.  LOL.  Nevertheless, he is someone I enjoy being with. 

Rivalry among a group of men may not be very familiar to me.  Somehow this commaraderie have slipped into closely non-existent.  AD and BD had a misunderstanding that brought about deterioration to this group.  I, myself, am guilty of this break up when my college friends came and I have spent most of my time with them.  By this time, AD had found his girl.  Just a good timing.  I shared an apartment with AM, until he resigned from our company and moved to Virginia to be with his wife.

I still have managed to open my time, at least of what remains of it, for an old get together.  This never happened.  Sometimes I would still find myself spending weekends with AD.  An act that others who have just known us speculate that we were an item.  Jealousy may be, this has made me drift away from BD and RS (different from my RS in HS) as I have spent lesser time with them.  Eventually, DB and RS have shared an apartment and found a new group of friends.

I miss the group.  It may never be the same again.  AD has married his girl.  I keep in touch with him as much as I can.  DB works in the same office with me, though we seldom talk now.  RS will be joining our office in a few weeks.  He still is the same quiet boy, though disappointingly, turned to be colder with his affect.

One thing I have learned from this is how being passive with friendship has taken us apart.  I, too, have changed.  But I still miss them all.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sugar Bear

It was late... very late in the evening and still RS called just to report that our HS principal has arrived in NJ.  I would have wanted to come and meet up with them, but I already have set plans for the long weekend.  I will be watching Adam Lambert's concert at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, SC.  The concert will be on Saturday, then by Sunday at 2 am, I should be ready to drive about 5.5 hours to attend a morning Christening of my friend's daughter in VA.  Hectic schedule?  You bet. 

Late night talks with RS have always been a rollercoaster, specially tonight.  I have seen a soft spot in him I haven't seen before.  He is one who regard friends dearly.  In return, he is vunerable to his feelings, that he is easily hurt by them.  The price for being a softee. 

I am more used to RS being silly.  I do not even have to put out the story about my diary that he stole and read, and have others read.  A part of my growing up years that I had to weather in an all boys school.  In reality, I do not even have an ill-feeling about that today.  I cannot recall an ill-feeling about it before too.  There should have been, but it must be buried deep down in me.  Or simply put as forgiven and forgotten.

I love RS, and everyone who has significantly touched my life.  They are the little blocks who molded me to who I am today.  A wrecked bitch.  LOL.

LSS.  Elton John's "Someone Saved My Life Tonight".