Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm at a fork road of petty decision makings although, I am pretty much decided on what I plan to do.  First, due to my uncontrollable, unmanageable, disobedient weight gain, and maximizing the use of my expensive treadmill as a clothes hanger, I have decided to buy a stationary bike that I could use when I chat.  Riding while talking will be better than running while talking.  The latter really makes me out of breath.  I plan to buy it tonight, around midnight, when I have finished cleaning my place and working on my notes.  Knowing me, I may just be able to do one task. 

Secondly, I plan to be friendly with my neighbor.  He has approached me a couple of times already, trying to be friendly.  Let me take that back.  He may really just be friendly.  He had his birthday last July 4th.  Let's see if I could return the favor of being the friendly one.  Might as well just be a bitch, and that will come out naturally.  Darn, I have even forgotten his name.  Beer will be a major help for this task, or at least anything alcoholic.

Finally, I may learn how to say no to an invitation.  Sadly, the invite comes from my relatives in MI.  I know they will be all excited about this upcoming reunion and they are really all hoping that everyone can make it.  What made me stand up to them?  Cyndi Lauper. We have tickets for the blues album tour of Ms. Lauper.  This came in first, to be fair.  I can't resist hearing her classic hits, if she will be playing them.  I have already made plans with friends too.  And we are celebrating CL's birthday that day too.  Plus, my cousin will not be able to make it too.  And I plan to bring my mom and brother and sister to see me this November, so we can have another reunion.  (Granted that my siblings get visas.)  So, given that the excuses keep on piling, it's only easy for me to tip the high hopes of meeting my relatives.  But, I promise to make it up to them. 

No is one letter shorter than Yes. But it seems to be harder to express for me.

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