Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oprah - Farewell Show

When I was in the Philippines, I was watching re-runs of Oprah. I was fascinated by how she gives away her favorite things and such. A lot of talk shows were developed just like hers. The closest they’ve gotten is Kris Aquino’s show Today with Kris Aquino. Of course, when I said closest, it meant like I’m comparing apples and oranges. The similarity is that they are both fruits but definitely far from each other.

When I transferred here in the US, I should have had the chance to really watch it on time but, I never really gotten the time because of work. Nevertheless, I did catch it sometime at my patient’s house.

Thankfully, DVR has helped in recording shows that I would love to see commercial free. It was the final season of Oprah after 25 years and my housemate thought it will be important to watch them all. So we did – everyday.

With the help Oprah has extended to her viewers, myself included, has changed lives. In my lifetime, she is one hell of a lady to have had that task. A lot of viewers will miss her specially those who do not have cable. A lot of them are my elder patients.

Oprah has started her network called OWN – Oprah Winfrey Network. This has opened up a better medium, wider and much more powerful for her to reach more people with programs that she believes will help a lot more.

Amidst all these sincere cheers to Oprah and for her long time running show, I found this short description of her show on TV funny.  I know Oprah has been an advocate to eliminate racism but….

Scotty McCreery, American Idol

Well, even if I am not a fan, I’ve got to do this for the state that has become my home for almost five years.

Season 10’s American Idol is the high school student from Garner, NC, Scotty Mc Creery.!

American Idol, like any other reality based shows are my pastime to help me kill time. Every Monday would be a bore. I never got to enjoy fully Dancing with the Stars so I have been looking forward to Tuesdays for America’s Next Top Model and Glee. Wednesdays and Thursdays would be my AI days. Then, another boring Friday. Such a snooze.

Since the beginning of idol, news about the Garner native went around like a breath of fresh air for my patients who religiously watch AI. Well, something to look forward to I said. That came to passing until he was voted to be on Top 13.

I thought Paul McDonald had a good chance because I thought that he was veteran and much more seasoned but he was a big disappointment. LOL. He tried to play a lot of rock themed songs though his voice would have sounded better singing slow songs which highlight his low soft tones like James Blunt. Nevertheless, the show was a drag for a few weeks until Hailey’s progression on the show. She has found her niche and stopped second guessing herself on song choices. She became bold and boy, could she sing her heart out. But alas! No following for her.

I am sure this boy’s winning will be the topic for tomorrow’s conversations with patients. I hope they slept well tonight to have some energy to work with me tomorrow.

Garner would never be prouder. He has put this little town in the map. Kudos to him and good luck with his career. I know that at this age of free downloading and piracy, the country fans have some spare change to buy his CD and watch his concert.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fung Fang Fing!!!

After a long shower, trying to remove the stench of patients I have seen today, I received a text message from my brother. He said that he just wanted to let me know that he will propose to his girlfriend tonight. Fung Fang Fing! I felt a little stunned. Could this be true?! The next thing I saw on my blackberry was an e-mail from my sister asking me to call her. I did. She was happy about the news.

Well, my sister and my brother’s girlfriend have been getting along well lately. More so that they live in the same dormitory, and works at the same hospital. Both families have been attending each other’s gathering. I guess I felt left out. I am the only one who had no connection with this girl whatsoever.

When my brother and mom visited me last Thanksgiving, I was surprised when he handed me an image of the infant Jesus and told me that it was a gift from his girlfriend. OMG! That was nice. Come to think that I have only bought a small perfume at a discount store for her. LOL. I have long used that perfume in my bathroom when I want to have it smelling nice and clean.

People who knows me know that I will not let this thing pass without reciprocating to the gesture with an even grander effect. Thus, I bought her her first Coach bag. Upon receiving it from my brother, she immediately sent a text message thanking me for the best Christmas gift ever! I’m pretty sure she’ll have better presents now from my brother but, for now, I hold the record. LOL.

This intention may, and I know, have been coming along for awhile now. I have just been off the loop to know the details. No idea on the next step or plans for the wedding. But one consolation I have from this is that I know that my brother’s girlfriend is being petitioned to the US. If that happens, my brother has a chance of coming here. But of course, I could always go home to be with them whenever I get the chance and the budget of course.

Looking at this, I don’t know if I am prepared for it. He may be 28 and all grown up but he will always remain to be my baby brother. I miss him already.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business

For the past few weeks, I have been hooked with The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business. Like any reality shows I have been following, I was rooting for two teams this season. These were the cowboys Jet and Cord McKoy and best friends Zev Glassenberg and Justin Kanew. I have seen the season the best friends were first on. I felt bad when they got eliminated after coming in 1st on the fourth leg of the race because of the lost passport.

This season, the buddies have done a lot better from being 4th from the bottom to 4th from top. I started to follow Justin at his tweeter account and befriend him on facebook. Just to get some updates on the race and also because I see that he replies to his followers. Reading tweeter has been my pastime to get to sleep. It has been helping a lot lately.

Cowboy brothers Jet and Cord got me hooked because of their accent. Living in the south made me appreciate the art of the long vowels and the mouth that barely opens. LOL. This will get me in trouble. I am amazed on how their accent goes. Don’t get me wrong. Coming from a different country, I have a very thick accent myself. But I guess it’s just the fascination of hearing it and associating it from the western movies I have seen (which were not a lot, I could barely remember one!). Nevertheless, the kind and gentle manner they have has shown that chivalry may not be dead after all.

It may just be me but do I see anything different with Jet? I see that he may be too a goody two shoes kind of guy that anything the bends the rules makes him cringe. Oh well, what have I been imagining?! The fact still remains that the cowboys were too strong of a team that others have ganged up on them during the Liechtenstein bike ride road block. Sisters Jen and Kisha ran a good race and eventually were first to arrive when it most mattered but I still think the cowboys were the biggest contender of all.

To add to the heartbreak of losing the cowboys in the 9th leg of the race, best friends Zev and Justin were eliminated before the last leg. I was sensing a temper building during a task that takes too long to get done; I admired how Justin was very supporting of Zev on the samba task. Zev was not the most coordinated man in the world, and boy, does he have the moves of Godzilla in amok. If I were Justin, I could have laughed all day. But that’s me; I find humor in a lot of ordinary things. Justin was very much refined for that. LOL.

The best scene was definitely the Brazilian wax challenge. It was a torture for the beast friends. LOL. Could they have been any more hairy? Temper, temper. Waxing was not for the faint of hearts. Justin said it right: “I swear to God I will punch you in the face!”

This was one of the best seasons of TAR, at least from the few I have watched fully. Maybe next to TAR 4 where the team I was rooting for, Chip and Reichen, won.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Amzaing Race 18, Desperate Housewives and The Celebrity Apprentice

Tonight, I was juggling over three shows I was following for this season. They are the finale of The Amazing Race 18: Unfinished business, Desperate Housewives and Celebrity Apprentice. Thank God for DVR.

I started off with The Amazing Race finale as it got me hooked while I was rooting for two teams: the cowboys Jet and Cord, and best friends Zev and Justin. This may get me hanged, but having a friend who has Asperger’s Syndrome made me curious. If I were Justin, I will be having a hard laugh all day. I have previously watched Zev and Justin on The Amazing Race 15. I felt bad when they had to go home after finishing 1st on the fourth leg of the race as the team lost Zev’s passport. With the TAR rules, they were disqualified. I have admired the team’s dynamics to be best friends.

A few years back, my housemate got me hooked on Desperate Housewives. I started watching in season 4 but thanks to re-runs, I think I was able to watch every single episode. This will always be a mainstay on our Sunday nights.

Before I turned off the television and start on my notes that I have not finished since Thursday, I have to have a glimpse of what’s happening to Celebrity Apprentice. I have not watched the whole episode but had the critical time I needed to see - the boardroom scene. The disappointment of Zev and Justin finishing 4th on TAR was replaced by the joy of watching Star Jones being fired. It was all that I needed to have a goodnight sleep.

But of course, I will not sleep until some of my notes are finished. I have to do my job now.