Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business

For the past few weeks, I have been hooked with The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business. Like any reality shows I have been following, I was rooting for two teams this season. These were the cowboys Jet and Cord McKoy and best friends Zev Glassenberg and Justin Kanew. I have seen the season the best friends were first on. I felt bad when they got eliminated after coming in 1st on the fourth leg of the race because of the lost passport.

This season, the buddies have done a lot better from being 4th from the bottom to 4th from top. I started to follow Justin at his tweeter account and befriend him on facebook. Just to get some updates on the race and also because I see that he replies to his followers. Reading tweeter has been my pastime to get to sleep. It has been helping a lot lately.

Cowboy brothers Jet and Cord got me hooked because of their accent. Living in the south made me appreciate the art of the long vowels and the mouth that barely opens. LOL. This will get me in trouble. I am amazed on how their accent goes. Don’t get me wrong. Coming from a different country, I have a very thick accent myself. But I guess it’s just the fascination of hearing it and associating it from the western movies I have seen (which were not a lot, I could barely remember one!). Nevertheless, the kind and gentle manner they have has shown that chivalry may not be dead after all.

It may just be me but do I see anything different with Jet? I see that he may be too a goody two shoes kind of guy that anything the bends the rules makes him cringe. Oh well, what have I been imagining?! The fact still remains that the cowboys were too strong of a team that others have ganged up on them during the Liechtenstein bike ride road block. Sisters Jen and Kisha ran a good race and eventually were first to arrive when it most mattered but I still think the cowboys were the biggest contender of all.

To add to the heartbreak of losing the cowboys in the 9th leg of the race, best friends Zev and Justin were eliminated before the last leg. I was sensing a temper building during a task that takes too long to get done; I admired how Justin was very supporting of Zev on the samba task. Zev was not the most coordinated man in the world, and boy, does he have the moves of Godzilla in amok. If I were Justin, I could have laughed all day. But that’s me; I find humor in a lot of ordinary things. Justin was very much refined for that. LOL.

The best scene was definitely the Brazilian wax challenge. It was a torture for the beast friends. LOL. Could they have been any more hairy? Temper, temper. Waxing was not for the faint of hearts. Justin said it right: “I swear to God I will punch you in the face!”

This was one of the best seasons of TAR, at least from the few I have watched fully. Maybe next to TAR 4 where the team I was rooting for, Chip and Reichen, won.

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