Friday, May 20, 2011

Fung Fang Fing!!!

After a long shower, trying to remove the stench of patients I have seen today, I received a text message from my brother. He said that he just wanted to let me know that he will propose to his girlfriend tonight. Fung Fang Fing! I felt a little stunned. Could this be true?! The next thing I saw on my blackberry was an e-mail from my sister asking me to call her. I did. She was happy about the news.

Well, my sister and my brother’s girlfriend have been getting along well lately. More so that they live in the same dormitory, and works at the same hospital. Both families have been attending each other’s gathering. I guess I felt left out. I am the only one who had no connection with this girl whatsoever.

When my brother and mom visited me last Thanksgiving, I was surprised when he handed me an image of the infant Jesus and told me that it was a gift from his girlfriend. OMG! That was nice. Come to think that I have only bought a small perfume at a discount store for her. LOL. I have long used that perfume in my bathroom when I want to have it smelling nice and clean.

People who knows me know that I will not let this thing pass without reciprocating to the gesture with an even grander effect. Thus, I bought her her first Coach bag. Upon receiving it from my brother, she immediately sent a text message thanking me for the best Christmas gift ever! I’m pretty sure she’ll have better presents now from my brother but, for now, I hold the record. LOL.

This intention may, and I know, have been coming along for awhile now. I have just been off the loop to know the details. No idea on the next step or plans for the wedding. But one consolation I have from this is that I know that my brother’s girlfriend is being petitioned to the US. If that happens, my brother has a chance of coming here. But of course, I could always go home to be with them whenever I get the chance and the budget of course.

Looking at this, I don’t know if I am prepared for it. He may be 28 and all grown up but he will always remain to be my baby brother. I miss him already.

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