Sunday, October 4, 2009


This afternoon, I went back to the old office in Burgaw where I have spent most of my three years of stay working as a therapist.  I shredded all clutter paperwork and threw all the junk I keep on my table.  Clean slate just like how I started.

I do not want to sound too sentimental because as the three year contract I signed with my current company nears its end, I have not been enjoying coming to the office anymore. Changes with the people I work with had a lot of influence.  Throughout my stay, I worked with three patient care coordinators, three support staffs, two occupational therapists, one certified occupational therapist assistant, two nurses, one aide, one physical therapist, one social worker, and one physical therapist assistant.

I loved the first people I worked with.  They made me feel welcome and it did ease missing the kind of bonding you have when working with fellow Filipinos.  My first months of stay is a lot of getting-to-know stage and a lot of adjustments while trying to understand each others' culture.  The laidback lifestyle drove me crazy!  Driving long hours throughout the day wore me out.  Still, by the time patients open their doors, I put a big smile on my face.  High school theater guild did me wonders.

The ever changing policies with insurance companies and wide array of personalities you would meet at every home kept me in my toes.  Well, maybe for the first few months.  As time passed by, I found myself barefoot deeply rooted in the mud.  LOL.  I guess you will never tame the bitch in me. 

Thinking of the number of patients I have spent time with, both willingly and regretfully, a select few had a niche in my cold, dark heart.  They were the few I had long conversations with outside work time, leisure walks on the farm, exchanged recipes, discussed other cultures and felt very close with.  They taught me how to operate a tractor, pointed the best entertainment in the city, suggested what to do's in a city they lived in and of course, recommended the best restaurants.

Definitely, I will miss my work friends.  The small, non-patient related talks we have every staff meetings will be missed.  My head is focused on the good memories that happened in the office.  The not-so-nice ones will be laughed at in a few more days.  Evidently, I skipped the ones I would like to have a regression with a psychoanalyst in the future.  :-)  Alright, it cannot be just skipped.  The handful of people, patients and co-workers, who made my life a living itch, so annoying that it cannot be scratched, I bid you good riddance!

As I raise my strong double shot cosmopolitan,  I say cheers to every extraordinary event that served as a fiber to build a beautiful tapestry called my three year stay in Burgaw!

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