Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It's late and I have got a lot of things to do.  My daily patient notes remain untouched.  I have to prepare for the trip to the mountains this weekend.  Lastly, I have to learn how to use my new phone.

I am not a techy guy but, I try my best to go with the flow of the times.  Earlier, I felt the need to upgrade my phone.  My poor flip phone has reached its critical stage. The screen has developed a liquified form of pixel which the health department will classify as unsanitary.   I think I burned up what's inside the LCD with three years of long hours of talk time.  Complaints were also received from friends who were getting a busy signal even if I have been patiently waiting for their calls, thinking I was left out of the group.  While trying to fill in a gap in my schedule for the day, I stopped by my network with determination to replace my sickly phone. 

After a warm welcome at the door, I immediately turned my way to the new phones.  I wanted an iphone initially but, my friends and I have resolved to stay with our current network due to confidential issues.  LOL.  Since my nework does not carry the apple product, I settled for another fruit, the blackberry.  Customer service was great.  The lady have answered most of my questions satisfactorily.  The only problem I have is that I am not a "manual" person.  I have an allergic reaction to a manual, for whatever product it may be.  Nevertheless, I have patiently killed time understanding and absorbing all the information the lady gave me.  She also tried to transfers my voicemail and contacts.  Transferring the voicemail was a success but, the transfer of contacts was a dreaded calvary.  I have to manually transfer all my contacts which left me awake 'til the wee hours.  I have to stop at J.  I badly need sleep to make it to work later. 

I hope I find time to fit learning to use the features of the phone and optimize its use.  I have paid big bucks to let it be just in paperweight mode all the time.  May the gods of technology smile upon me.

Let's see...I still have 30 days to figure out if this phone works for me.  Otherwise, I'll shove myself back to the cave of the primates.

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