Monday, October 5, 2009

Easter in October

I received a call today from an old classmate (late call).  Just a chat on the usual how are you's, then he asked about one profile in facebook.  This profile was using Bin Laden's pictures.  Apparently, he's staying in the Middle East.  The comments we've made on his post have gotten into a regular chat and fast becoming into an epic. 

As always, RS have been asking when I'll visit them in NY/NJ area.  I have visited the states a few times already and I have deliberately not contacted them everytime.  One of the reasons is that of time constraints, the other is that they may be expecting the old me... which I think the new me ate up.  LOL.

I will try my best to see them next time I fly to NY, which may be the time I will renew my passport at the end of the year. 

The conversation will not be complete unless the name of his cousin, Garfield, will find its way into the topic.  I told him I have just talked to his cousin a few weeks ago.  RS still thinks of high school.  I can't help it.  Neither can he, I think.  After all, he was the one who discovered the archaic form of blogging called the diary.. my diary. Then, I became a legend.... loved by all.  He also found out that he was an Easter bunny... but that's another story.  LOL.

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