Friday, October 2, 2009

Superstitions etc.

Call me superstitious! 

Well, I don't really categorize myself as one but, there is one incident that always happens when I hear a certain Tracy Chapman song -- "Fast Car".  I swear, I am not makng this up but, everytime I hear that song I am at risk for a vehicular accident.  Proof came in earlier, at around 1:30 pm, after I got my chicken nuggets at the drive thru of McDonald's in Wallace, a pick up truck rammed my car. 

It was just a soft thug that caused much damage to the foil-thin door of my car.  I immediately asked the driver if she was hurt.  She said she's fine and asked me back.  I am still in one piece, so I thought I was ok.  She told me it was her first time to be involved in a car accident, all 73 years of her life.  I lied.  I said it was my first time too.  Virgin.  Could I fake this one?!

Of course, to my defense, I never ran into anyone or have been involved in an accident that was my fault.  It has always been that my car was stationary and someone runs into me.  This would be my fourth time.  Not a virgin but, I won't consider myself a pro.  Friends in the Philippines know how I drive.  I can drive while I'm  one case of beer or three bottles of tequilla drunk and not be in an accident.  I can drive with a lead foot trying to beat time hopeful that I won't be late for work and still I don't get involved in a mishap.  But if I were stationary, that will be a different story. 

Not that I have really counted on it but, one common denominator when I get into an accident is Tracy Chapman's song "Fast Car".  It's either the song is currently playing when it happens or I have heard the song before the accident.  Eerie, the supposed to be trivia becomes more of a fact.

Ealier today I was at the office doing my last check on some paperwork that I need to finish before I transfer to another office on Monday.  Suddenly, I heard "Fast Car" on the radio.  I had the urge to get out of the building so I won't hear it.  Instead, I stayed throughout the song because I was on hold on the phone.   I really had a bad omen about this.  Intuition.

I love Tracy Chapman.  I love her take on songs, their messages, easy melody that makes you join her singing.  I have two of her albums.  Fast Car is one of her songs I enjoy most, along with "The Promise".  Is there something about that song?  If I hear it play in my car, I would deliberately change the tuner.  How can I deny the fact, though I know its just crazy imagination, that I usually hear it before or during an accident?  What would Madame Auring say?

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