Sunday, September 27, 2009


News of tropical storm "Ondoy" (international name: Ketsana) already left the Philippines but took with her almost 100 lives and thousands of families in perish. 

I called my mom after I heard of the news yesterday morning from a friend.   As usual, our town gets flooded when big storms like these hit Pampanga area.  I still remember the awful way of dealing with flood.  Barely any means of transportation, nowhere to go, hoping electricity is not interrupted, slowly getting bored to death.  Waiting patiently until the water subsides. The best way to deal with flood I think is to move! 

Rain makes me sad.  I don't know why.  Something about the way the skies are dark and gloomy washes away the smile on my face.  Clothes get wet and it really messes up your look. The only time I remember enjoying the rain was when I palyed one on one basketball with a friend.  It was a dare.  He was thirteen, rich and had a homecourt advantage.  I was fifteen, playful and stupid.  LOL.  HE won the bet.  Defeat was a milestone, a vivid reminder of the things I should only do once.  I resolved not play again in the rain.  Hmm, didn't I just say that I enjoyed playing in the rain?  Until now I still cannot make up my mind.

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