Saturday, September 19, 2009


It was an impulse.  I left a comment on a picture my friend posted on his facebook account.  His rebuttal to my comment was that I was still looking at his pictures and very much updated with his posts.  LOL. I cannot dispute that.  I was caught red-handed.

I have not seen him for a long time after graduation in high school.  There was one time though, we were on the same bus coming from Manila to Pampanga.  I  was with my sister, and he was at the back of the bus asleep.  I did not bother to acknowledge him that time.   Years after that, in 2006, during the 50th anniversary of our high school Alma Mater, he mentioned that incident to me. I did not even know that he was aware I was on the same bus. Nevertheless, that started being in contact with him again. 

Almost three years in the US, I still somehow keep in touch with him.  Actually, we've just hung up the phone.  He is currently reviewing for the Philippine MD Licensure Exams in February.  I wish him the best of luck!.

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