Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Funny how I am starting a blog with a new computer.  I have all my old files in my old dead laptop.  A few weeks ago it started to die slowly on me.  Symptoms include screen not lighting up, slow connection, and sudden turning off.  Everytime I try to revive it, it gives me that soft light on the screen before it closes again.  It's like dying... only I put a whole lot of epinephrine shots to keep it alive, and then shoving an endotracheal tube, respirator, full life support, CPR, defribrillator when it already has dilated pupils.... time to let go.  I felt like I was just hurting it everytime I try to restart it.  Waiting for a short burst of light on the screen.  Supernova. 

OMG!!!  How in the world will I get all my old files back?  The poems I have been creating everytime there is an overwhelming blunt thug in my life are all gone!  The hundreds of pictures I have painstakingly scanned one by one when I didn't know how to use a scanner and I have to ask my brother a thousand times to complete just 5 steps are all gone!  My pattern for my resume is gone!  All the contact numbers and e-mail addresses of my high school batchmates are all...  well, I think you get the drift.  (It's just my drama.)  I do not give up hope anyway.  I know some thin, awkward looking boy in nerdy glasses and flannel checkered long-sleeved shirt buttoned up to the collar will find a way of retrieving my old files.  Until then, I have to suffice myself in my new computer that fits my budget.  Was I surfing porn when my computer died?  Nah.. I don't think so.  But if I were, I'm sure my computer died a happy death.  :-)

I can't wait until I get all my files back.  Salvaging  the important contents of my computer so I could transfer and use it.  Gee, isn't that like... organ donor?

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